Sleep is a vital part of your ability to function on a daily basis with a lack of sleep having a serious impact on your daytime energy, emotional balance, productivity and even your weight.
Your life is a reflection of how you sleep, and how you sleep is a reflection of your life. To fully benefit from a good night's sleep you need to give serious consideration to your lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, sleeping environment, your use of gadgets particularly before bedtime and where you use them. Instead of scrolling social media perhaps set the device aside and jot down in a notebook anything you feel may inhibit your sleep, what happened in your day, what you achieved, what you need to do for the next day and anything else that you effectively need to let go of so that they do not create a blockage to your sleep.
Here at Loire Writers Retreat we believe a good nights sleep is paramount, but you need to prepare to relax into your sleep, making time to unwind before bedtimes.
If you are relaxed you will sleep much more deeply.
Try our gentle breathing exercise to help you relax and relieve any tension.